Modern Paint Damage Atlas

Paint Components

Synthetic Organic Pigment Sensitivity

Synthetic organic pigment sensitivity to solvents is an area that is starting to gain more attention. Synthetic pigments have been used in oil paint since the last quarter of the nineteenth century, and in most modern paints. They are increasingly replacing inorganic pigments in paints. Initial research into synthetic pigments and conservation treatments have shown that they are soluble in varying degrees to a number of solvents commonly used in conservation, and in some cases the pigment is extracted out of the paint film.

Related Phenomena

Synthetic Organic Pigment Sensitivity

Ropret P., Centeno S.A., Bukovec P., Raman identification of yellow synthetic organic pigments in modern and contemporary paintings: Reference spectra and case studies,2008, in: Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Volume 69 (Issue 2) Feb 2008,pp 486-497

Blumenroth D., Zumbühl S., Scherrer N.C., Müller W., Sensitivity of Modern oil Paints to Solvents. Effect on Synthetic Organic Pigments,2014, in: Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint,pp 351-362

de Keijzer M., The delight of modern inorganic pigment creations,2014, in: Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint,pp 45-73

Gherladi E., Degano I., Colombini M.P., Mazurek J., Schilling M., Khanjian H., Learner T., A multi-analytical study on the photochemical degradation of synthetic organic pigments,2015, in: Dyes and Pigments, vol. 123, dec. 2015,pp 396-403

Quillen Lomax S., Lomax J.F., Graham T.K., Moore T.J.T., Knapp C.G., Historical azo pigments: Synthesis and characterization,2019, in: Journal of Cultural Heritage, vol. 25 Jan-Feb 2-19,pp 218-224

de Keijzer M., Meet the future: The creation of new pigments,2019, in: CMOP conference proceedings, may 2018, Amsterdam,