Degradation phenomena
Deposits and Stains
Loose Dirt
Loose, non original particles or layer found ON the surface of an object which can be seen either macroscopically or microscopically. When the dirt forms a layer it often has a greyish or brownish colour, has a matte appearance and can partially obscure the image. Although the dirt may be well-adhered to the surface, it is a separate layer on the surface.COMMENT: COMMENT: Dirt is an accumulation of dust, grease, smoke and particulate matter; generally accumulated through moisture or by transfer through inappropriate handling.
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Daudin-Schotte M., van Keulen H., Dry cleaning: research and practice,2014, in: Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint,pp 373-388
Veríssimo Mendes B., van den Berg K.J., Megens L., Joosten I., Daudin M., New approaches to surface cleaning of unvarnished contemporary oil paintings- Moist sponges and cloths,2014, in: Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint,pp 255-270
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Daudin-Schotte M., van Keulen H., van den Berg K.J., Analysis and application of dry cleaning materials on unvarnished paint surfaces, RCE project 2006-2009,2014, in: CESMAR7 2014,pp 135-149
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Wolbers R., Cleaning Painted Surfaces: Aqueous methods,2000, in: Archetype publications, London,
Ormsby B.A., An empirical evaluation of a range of cleaning agents for removing dirt from artists acrylic emulsion paints,2013, in: AIC specialty group postprints, 23rd edn.,pp 77-87
Phenix A., Burnstock A., The removal of surface dirt on paintings with chelating agents,1992, in: Conservator vol. 16,pp 28-38
Ormsby B., Learner T., The effects of wet surface cleaning treatments on acrylic emulsion artists' paints – a review of recent scientific research,2009, in: Studies in Conservation, vol. 54, 2009, issue sup 1: reviews in Conservation vol. 10 2009,pp 29-41
Cremonesi P., Surface cleaning? Yes, freshly grated Agar gel, please,2016, in: Studies in Conservation vol.61, 2016, issue 6,pp 362-367
Deposits and Stains
(Insect) ExcretionsGraffiti
Imbibed Dirt
Loose Dirt