Degradation phenomena
Surface Whitening
Tiny, translucent or opaque white globules in the paint which are breaking through the surface of the paint layer (protruding masses). They are often the size of a pinhead (50-300µm), but can be larger. Their loss from the paint surface leads to a crater-like surface.Related terms
Metal soapsProtruding masses
Efflorescent particles
Small spheres
Aggregates of small white particles
Translucent pustules
Small opaque white dots
Opaque white spots on a macroscopic level
COMMENT:COMMENT: Protrusions are caused by the formation of metal carboxylates from metal ions and fatty acids within the paint layer which are clustered to form protrusions and migrate to the surface of the paint.
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Osmond G., Keune K., Boon JJ. , A study of zinc soap aggregates in a late 19th century painting by R.G. Rivers at the Queensland Art Gallery,2005, in: AICCM bulletin 29,pp 37-46
van der Weerd J., Geldof M., van der Loeff L.S., Meeren R.M.A., Boon J.J., Zinc soap aggregate formation in 'Falling Leaves' (Les alyschamps) by Vincent van Gogh,2003, in: Kunsttechnologie Konservierung 17(2),pp 407-416
Keune K., Boon J.J., Analystical imaging studies of cross sections of paintings affected by lead soap aggretate formation,2007, in: Studies in Conservation 52,pp 161-176
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Surface Whitening
(White) HazeBlanching
White Phenomena