Modern Paint Damage Atlas



Water Sensitivity in Acrylic Paint

Literature is devided in literature about: Degredations Phenomena, Paint Components, Water Sensitivity in Oil Paint and Water Sensitivity in Acrylic Paint.

Abbott J., Smith G.D., The role of static charge on dirt accumulation on painted surfaces,2009, in: American Institute of Conservation 37th annual meeting. Los Angeles CA,pp 169-175

r>Angelova L.V., Ormsby B., Richardson E., Diffusion of water from a range of conservation treatment gels into paint films studied by unilateral NMR: Part I: Acrylic emulsion paint,2016, in: Microchemical Journal vol. Vol. 124 Jan 2016,pp 311-320

r>Cremonesi P., Surface cleaning? Yes, freshly grated Agar gel, please,2016, in: Studies in Conservation vol.61, 2016, issue 6,pp 362-367

r>Digney-Peer S., Burnstock A., Learner T., Khanjian H., Hoogland F., Boon J.J., The migration of surfactants in acrylic emulsion paint films,2004, in: Studies in Conservation vol.49, 2004 Issue sup. 2: ‘Modern Art, New Museums: Contributions to the Bilbao Congress 13-17 September 2004’,pp 202-207

r>Dillon C., Lagalante F., Wolbers R., Acrylic emulsion paint films: the effect of solution pH, conductivity, and ionic strength on film swelling and surfactant removal,2014, in: Studies in Conservation, vol. 59 Issue 1, 2014,pp 187-198

r>Doménech Carbó M.T., Silva M.F., Aura-Castro E., Doménech Carbó A., Fuster-López L., Gimeno-Adelantado J.V., Kröner S.U., Martïnez-Bázan M.L., Más-Barberá X., Mecklenburg M.F., Osete-Cortina L., Yusá-Marcó D.J. , Multitechnique approach to evaluate to evaluate cleaning treatments for acrylic and polyvinyl acetate paints,2013, in: New Insights into the cleaning of paintings. Proceedings from the cleaning 2010 international conference Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Museum Conservation Institute. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington DC,pp 125-134

r>Hayes J., Golden M., Smith G. D., From formulation to finished product: causes and potential cures for conservation concerns in acrylic emulsion paints,2007, in: Modern Paints Uncovered: Proceedings from the Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium, 2007,pp 58-65

r>Jablonski E., Learner T., Hayes J., Golden M., Conservation concerns for acrylic emulsion paints,2003, in: Studies in Conservation vol. 48, 2003, Issue sup.1: Reviews in Conservation,pp 3-12

r>Jablonski E., Learner T., Hayes J., Golden M., The Conservation of Acrylic Emulsion Paintings: A Literature Review,2010, in: ,

r>Kampasakali E., Ormsby B., Cosentino A., Miliani C., Learner T. , A Preliminary Evaluation of the Surfaces of Acrylic Emulsion Paint Films and the Effects of Wet-Cleaning Treatment by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM),2011, in: Studies in Conservation, vol. 56, 2011 Issue 3,pp 216-230

r>Lagalante A., Wolbers R., The cleaning of acrylic paintings: new particle-based water-in-oil emulsifiers,2016, in: Colore e Conservazione, 13–14 November 2015, Politecnico di Milano. Padova,

r>Mejía-González A., Zetina S., Espinosa-Pesqueira M.E., Esturau-Escofet N., Characterization of commercial artists’ acrylic paints and the influence of UV light on aging,2017, in: International Journal of polymer analysis and characterisation, vol.22, issue 6, 2017,pp 473-482

r>Murray A., Contreras de Berenfeld, C., Chang, S., Jablonski, E., Klein, T., Riggs, M., Robertson E.C., Tse W.M.A., The Condition and Cleaning of Acrylic Emulsion Paintings,2002, in: Symposium II – Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology VI, vol. 712 II.14,pp 249-253

r>Ormsby B., Kampasakali E., Learner T., Surfactants and Acrylic Dispersion paints: Evaluating changes induced by wet surface cleaning treatments ,2013, in: New Insights into the cleaning of paintings. Proceedings from the cleaning 2010 international conference Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Museum Conservation Institute. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington DC,pp 159-164

r>Ormsby B., Learner T., The effects of wet surface cleaning treatments on acrylic emulsion artists’ paints – a review of recent scientific research,2009, in: Studies in Conservation, vol. 54, 2009, issue sup 1: reviews in Conservation vol. 10 2009,pp 29-41

r>Ormsby B., Learner T., Artists’ acrylic emulsion paints: materials, meaning and conservation treatment options,2013, in: AICCM Bulletin, vol. 34, 2013 issue 1.,pp 57-65

r>Ormsby B., Learner, T., Foster G., Druzik J., Schilling, M., Wet-cleaning acrylic emulsion paint films: an evaluation of physical, chemical and optical changes,2007, in: Modern Paints Uncovered. The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles,pp 77-87

r>Ormsby B., Soldano A., Keefe M.H. Phenix A., Learner T., An empirical evaluation of a range of cleaning agents for removing dirt from artists’ acrylic emulsion paints,2013, in: Postprints of the Paintings Specialty group meeting, American Institute for Conservation conference, 2010 Miluwakee (vol 23).,pp 107-114

r>Ormsby B.A., An empirical evaluation of a range of cleaning agents for removing dirt from artists acrylic emulsion paints,2013, in: AIC specialty group postprints, 23rd edn.,pp 77-87

r>Ormsby B.A., Keefe M.H., Phenix A., von Aderkas E., Learner T., Tucker C., Kozak C., Mineral Spirits-based Microemulsions: A novel cleaning system for acrylic and other modern painted surfaces,2016, in: Journal for the American Institute of Conservation, Vol. 55 Issue 1,pp 12-31

r>Smith G.D., Aging Characteristics of a Contemporary Acrylic Emulsion used in artists’ paints,2007, in: Modern Paints Uncovered: Proceedings from the Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium, 2007,pp 236-246

r>Smithen P., A history of the treatment of acrylic paintings,2007, in: Modern Paints Uncovered: Proceedings from the Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium, 2007,pp 165-174

r>Stavroudis C., Doherty T., The Modular Cleaning Program in practice: Application to Acrylic paintings,2013, in: New Insights into the cleaning of paintings. Proceedings from the cleaning 2010 international conference Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Museum Conservation Institute. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington DC,pp 139-145

r>Tiedemann L.M., Kunov-Kruse A.J., Surface cleaning acrylic emulsion paints: evaluating conductivity adjusted aqueous solutions,2016, in: Colore e Conservazione, 13–14 November 2015, Politecnico di Milano. Padova,pp 107-114

r>Whitmore P.M., Morris H.R., Colaluca V.G., Penetration of liquid water through waterborne acrylic coatings,2007, in: Modern Paints Uncovered: Proceedings from the Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium, 2007,pp 217-224

r>Wolbers R., Norbutus A., Lagalante A., Cleaning of Acrylic Emulsion paints: Preliminary Extractive Studies with two Commercial paint systems ,2013, in: New Insights into the cleaning of paintings. Proceedings from the cleaning 2010 international conference Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Museum Conservation Institute. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington DC,pp 147-157

r>Ziraldo I., Watts K., Luk A., Lagalante A., Wolbers R., The influence of temperature and humidity on swelling and surfactant migration in acrylic emulsion paint films,2016, in: Studies in Conservation, vol. 61, Issue 4 2016,pp 209-221
