Modern Paint Damage Atlas



Water Sensitivity in Oil Paint

Literature is devided in literature about: Degredations Phenomena, Paint Components, Water Sensitivity in Oil Paint and Water Sensitivity in Acrylic Paint.

Anzani M. et al., Gel rigidi di Agar per il trattamento di pulitura di manufatti in gesso. Use of rigid agar gels for cleaning plaster objects,2008, in: CESMAR 7 (Quaderno 6),

r>Banti D., La Nasa J., Tenorio A., Modugno F., van den Berg K.J., Lee J., Ormsby B., Burnstock A., Bonaduce I., A molecular study of modern oil paintings: Investigating the role of dicarboxylic acids in the water sensitivity of modern oil paints,2018, in: RSC Advances vol. 8 issue 11 (2018),pp 6001-6012

r>Bonaduce I., Carlyle L., Colombini M.P., Duce C., Ferrari C., Ribechini E., Tiné M.R., New insights into the Aging of Linseed Oil Paint Binder: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analytical study,2012, in: PLOS ONE vol. 7 nr 11,

r>Burnstock A., Bay L., Lee J., Ormsby B., van den Berg K.J., Water sensitivity of modern oil paintings,2017, in: Postprints of the ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference, Copenhagen, 2017,paper 1302

r>Burnstock A., van den Berg KJ., De Groot S., Wijnberg L., An investigation of water-sensitive oil paints in the 20th Century paintings,2007, in: Modern Paints Uncovered. The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles,pp 177-188

r>Campani E, L’uso di agarosio e agar per la preparazione di ‘gel rigidi’. Use of agarose and agar for preparing ‘rigid gels’,2006, in: CESMAR 7 (Quaderno 4),pp 205-207

r>Chung J.Y., Ormsby B., Lee J., Burnstock A., van den Berg K.J., An investigation of options for surface cleaning unvarnished water-sensitive oil paints based on recent developments for acrylic paints,2017, in: Postprints of the ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference, Copenhagen, 2017,paper 1309

r>Cooper A., Burnstock A., van den Berg K.J., Ormsby B., Water sensitive oil paints in the twentieth century: a study of the distribution of water-soluble degradation products in modern oil paint films,2014, in: Issues in Contemporary oil paint,pp 295-310

r>Cremonesi P., Surface cleaning? Yes, freshly grated Agar gel, please,2016, in: Studies in Conservation vol.61, 2016, issue 6,pp 362-367

r>Daudin-Schotte M., Bisschoff M., Joosten I., Keulen H., van den Berg K.J., Dry cleaning approaches for unvarnished paint surfaces,2013, in: New Insights into the cleaning of paintings. Proceedings from the cleaning 2010 international conference Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Museum Conservation Institute. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington DC,pp 209-219

r>Finozzi A. et al., The use of agar cyclododecane for cleaning tests on a frail painting,2013, in: New Insights into the cleaning of paintings. Proceedings from the cleaning 2010 international conference Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Museum Conservation Institute. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington DC,pp 407-417

r>Hartman D., Wingel K., Nigro E.M., Porell M., Teeter K., New applications of Pickering-type emulsions for the cleaning of modern water-dispersed oil paints,2017, in: Postprints of the ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference, Copenhagen, 2017,paper 0915

r>Izzo F.C., van den Berg K.J., van Keulen H., Ferriani B., Zendri E., Modern oil paints- Formulations, organic additives and degradation: some case studies,2014, in: Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint,pp 75-104

r>Keune K. and Boevé-Jones G. , Its Surreal: Zinc-Oxide Degradation and Misperceptions in Salvador Dalí’s Couple with Clouds in Their Heads, 1936,2014, in: Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint,pp 283-294

r>Lee J., Ormsby B., van den Berg K.J., Burnstock A., Chemical characterisation of the organic fraction of water-sensitive Winsor & Newton paint swatches and selected modern oil paintings,2017, in: Postprints of the ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference, Copenhagen, 2017,paper 1604

r>Lee, J., Bonaduce I., Modugno F., La Nasa J., Ormsby B., Van den Berg K.J., Scientific investigation into the water sensitivity of twentieth century oil paints,2018, in: Microchemical Journal, vol. 138, May 2018,pp 282-295

r>Mills L., Burnstock A., Duarte F., van Keulen H., Megens L., van den Berg K.J., Water sensitivity of modern artists’ oil paints,2008, in: ICOM Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC) 15th Triennial Meeting New Delhi, 22-26 Sept 2008,pp 651-659

r>Ormsby B., Learner T., Recent Developments in the cleaning of modern paints,2016, in: Conservation Perspectives, Fall 2016, Conserving Modern Paints, The Getty Conservation Institute,

r>Paviç M., Non-traditionally painting oil painting: how to treat it properly? Josip Vaništa's Cakes (1955),2014, in: Issues in Contemporary oil paint,pp159-166

r>Pratali E., Zinc oxide grounds in 19th and 20th century oil paintings and their role in picture degradation processes,2013, in: CeROArt vol.3,pp 1-22

r>Sanchez-Ledesma A. et al., Effects of commercial soaps on unvarnished painted surfaces: A pilot study for their assessment,2013, in: New Insights into the cleaning of paintings. Proceedings from the cleaning 2010 international conference Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Museum Conservation Institute. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington DC,pp 52-62

r>Silvester G., Burnstock A., Megens L., Learner T., Chiari G., Van den Berg K.J., A cause of water-sensitivity in modern oil paint films: the formation of magnesium sulphate,2014, in: Studies in Conservation, 59 (1),pp 38-51

r>Soldano A., Van den Berg K.J., Investigation into the surface conductivity of water-sensitive modern oil paints,2014, in: Issues in Contemporary oil paint,pp 185-196

r>Stavroudis C., Silicone Based solvents in Conservation- As free solvents and components of gel systems and microemulsions,2016, in: Colore e Conservazione, 13–14 November 2015, Politecnico di Milano. Padova,pp 176-184

r>Steyn L., Stols-Witlox M., Hendriks E., van den Berg K.J., Cleaning modern oil paints: The removal of imbibed surface dirt. Towards an integrated conservation methodology for the assessment, contextualization and treatment of imbibed surface dirt on unvarnished modern oil paintings,2017, in: Postprints of the ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference, Copenhagen, 2017,paper 1317

r>Tempest H., Burnstock A., Saltmarsh P., van den Berg KJ., Sensitivity of oil paint surfaces to Aqueous and other solvents. Progress in the water sensitive oil project,2013, in: New Insights into the cleaning of paintings. Proceedings from the cleaning 2010 international conference Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Museum Conservation Institute. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington DC,pp 107-117

r>Tempest H., Burnstock A., Saltmarsh P., van den Berg KJ., Sensitivity of oil paint surfaces to aqueous and other solvents,2013, in: New Insights into the cleaning of paintings. Proceedings from the cleaning 2010 international conference Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Museum Conservation Institute. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington DC,pp 107-117

r>Tumosa C.S., A brief history of Aluminium Stearate as a component of paint,2001, in: WAAC Newsletter vol. 23 issue 3,

r>Tumosa C.S., Meklenburg M.F., The influence of lead ions on the drying of oils,2005, in: Studies in Conservation vol. 50, sup 1.,pp 39-47

r>Van den Berg K.J., Notes on metal soap extenders in modern oil paints - history, use, degradation and analysis,2017, in: Metal Soaps in Art – Conservation & Research. New York: Springer.,
